Monday, 21 November 2016

Sketches for my magazine front cover and contents page

In today's lesson i created a GIF animation with my rough designs for my magazine front cover and contents page.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Publication plan

Publication plan:
I picked this as my masthead for my magazine and made it bold thus it can entice the reader; as it contains a unique font that won’t be found in any text throughout the magazine. This will help anchor the main image I will use on the front cover.

Positioning statement:     INDIE ON THE GO
 This is the positioning statement as it will capture the audience in order to persuade them to purchase my magazine, as they will believe this magazine will contain indie related news and updates. This font choice will help make it stand out alongside the title and other text. The use of the word ‘on the go’ imposes that this magazine will be easily read that they cannot stop re-purchasing this magazine as it could be representation to how this music genre will become an everyday essential to buy and read.

Frequency of publication: Monthly
The frequency of the publication of my magazine will be monthly; this will be due to the magazine containing 100 pages. Also majority of my target audience which was 16 people said they never buy magazines, implicating they would not buy a magazine if I published it weekly, 3 people claimed that they purchase magazines monthly, due to this I decided to publish it monthly as weekly magazines would be cost effective as only one person from my research purchases magazines weekly. Therefore, it being released monthly would give enough time to find new upcoming Indie bands and news to write about.

Price: £3.50
I chose this price as it is quite reasonable and not too expensive to buy, as most people choose be £3-£4 from my questionnaire that they would spend on a magazine, thus I went between both prices to make it fair.

Distribution: Newsagents, supermarkets, airport and train station
I chose these specific destinations to distribute my magazine in a variety of places to make it become well known. This will be easily available to purchase as it sold in more than one place at a time, meaning the profit will increase overall.

Rationale: The approach I will have with my indie magazine will be in a fans perspective, the magazine will include everything a fan would want involved that would cater to their needs; this will help build a sense of personal identity as I will tend to make it produced from a fans perspective thus making it relatable. In addition there will be interviews, reviews and information about upcoming bands with its own section and containing popular bands/artists within the magazine. As a result, this will help promote the magazine as the fans of these bands will support the magazine and find diversity within the magazine from others in the market already. The front cover of my indie magazine will feature a band/artist with either subsidiary image alongside it with new upcoming bands/artists so that if the audience does not know the main image they can look at the subsidiary mages for another source of recognising bands/artists that they could know, which will make them purchase the magazine.

Style: My magazine will have an informal attitude towards it, as teenagers will relate to the specific words I will include. Writing in the manner of a light hearted and fans perspective, therefore making the writing style humorous and friendly to give the readers a sense of escapism. However if any articles are serious that tone will be used as it will be more realistic, as not everything will be consistent with a content tone. There will be more images involved as majority of my audiences did not like magazines being full of text. This is an indie magazine so I will include simple sentences and variety of vocabulary with usage of slang, consistent of short and long paragraphs. As using formal language would be an irrelevant use to this genre.

Regular Content:
·         Editor’s letter
·         Interviews
·         Reviews-albums/music videos
·         Competitions
·         Gig guide
·         Upcoming bands/artists
·         Posters
·         Live!
·         News
·         Top 20 (the top 20 popular/underground indie songs of the month)
·         Fan’s letters
Feature articles:
The 1975: delayed their third album?
Catfish and the Bottlemen world tour making them 'homesick'
New albums from Two Door Cinema Club, Jamie T, Empire of the Sun & Kings of Leon
The life and death of David Bowie
Melanie Martinez vs Halsey she is 'dead to me'
Twenty one pilots Give My Chemical Romance’s 'Cancer' an alternative Twist
RAT BOY new single- lovers law
Two Door Cinema Club on the Road to Releasing ‘Gameshow’
The xx announce new album 'I see you'
 Exclusive interviews with High Tyde and The Wombats
 Information on upcoming tours
 Gig dos and don’ts
 A trip down memory lane-History of the greatest indie bands/artists

Q&A with Arctic Monkeys
Oasis reunion?
The Japanese House tells all about touring with the 1975

House style:
Positioning statement-Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed
Coverlines-Arial Rounded MT Bold
Headlines-Orator Std
Standfirst-Harlow Solid Italic (14pt) By-line included
Captions-Arial (8pt)
Features first paragraph- drop capital: Stencil, 4 lines deep
News first paragraph-First word in bold capital
Body text-Arial (11pt)
Colour scheme- Black, white and red

Friday, 11 November 2016

Audio responses for my questionnaires

In today's lesson I recorded questions from my questionnaire and asked some of my target audience to answer them.

Questionnaire Analysis

In this lesson I analysed the results of my music magazine questionnaire, this allows me to comprehend what I need to include in my own music magazine, based on what the target audience suggested.

Monday, 7 November 2016


In today's lesson I analysed my questionnaire stating why i chose those questions.
1.)  Do you like indie magazines?
I asked this question to see if my target range would actually like the genre i have picked to make a music magazine out of, as a result it is down to my audience whether they enjoy this genre.

2.) What gender are you?
Female                        Male
I asked for peoples gender to see an overall demographic on which gender would buy this magazine.This will help me to alter my articles to suit both gender preferences as it would be unappealing if I geared it towards one gender rather than both. This will also boost the profit I would make as both genders would identify with the magazines.

3.) How old are you?
Below 14
I asked my target audience for their ages to see what age is most likely to be interested in an indie magazine, also this would help me allocate which bands/artist to put in; as if there are more mature views I would include classical indie bands. 

4.)  What colours would you associate an indie magazine with?
Black, white and red                              Purple, pink and green
 I asked this question as these are the final colours i have decided to either base my music magazine on, receiving feedback from my target audience will help me chose the most effective/suited colour scheme for my indie magazine.

5.) Who are your favourite bands/artists?
I asked this question to gather a variety of bands that i can include on my magazine front cover, this will collate a mass fan base of these particular bands and could entice them to purchase my indie magazine.
6.) How often do you purchase a magazine?
I asked this question to see whether today's generation still purchase magazines, and if they don't this will motivate me to make my magazine capture their attentions and influence them to purchase it. 

7.) What are your favourite top 3 or 4 colours?
 I asked this question because i wanted to see if there are any additional colours that people really like that i might cooperate my colour scheme with.

8.) What Three words would you associate indie with?
I asked this question so it could help me with some relevant words that I might display in my magazine,this will describe the genre and give me an indication on what words people associate my the indie genre.

9.) How much would you pay for a magazine?
£2-£3                                                         £4-£5
I asked this question to see how much people are willing to purchase a magazine for i used an average from different indie magazines and used sensible prices that people would pay.

10.) What freebie would you prefer this magazine to include?
This question was used to find out which freebie people would most likely be satisfied to be included with, this could also intrigue the audience to purchase my magazine.

11.) What indie magazine is your favourite from the list below?
Q magazine
 Rolling stones
The wire
If other, please state below:
This question was used to see which indie magazines my target audience are already familiar with, which i could try to make my magazine similar to in order to make profit.  

12.)  What regular content do you like to read in a magazine, please tick 3?
Reviews                                     Upcoming artists/bands
Gig guide                                   Competitions
This question will indicate which specific regular content people are more interested in which means i will make sure to definitely add these within my indie magazine.

13.) What concerts/gigs have you already been to?
This question was used to give me an indication on what music taste people prefer by seeing which artists/bands they alive seen live. This may also help me as some people may listen to indie bands that i could use in my magazine.

14.) What do you like about magazines?
This question was used to see what people actually like featured in a magazine, this will give me an assurance with what my target audience want to see in a magazine, which i will oblige to include in order to make sure my magazine sells.
15.) What do you dislike about magazines?
This will ensure what my target audience do not like and i will make sure to not include as much as what they do not like, in order to satisfy them. This will enhance my profit as listening to the feedback i receive will come in my favour.

16.) Would you like the front cover to have one main image present or subsidiary images alongside it?
One main image                                         Include subsidiary images
I included this question as it is very important whether the front cover as one main image or subsidiary images included, as knowing this information will indicate if my audience will prefer it, also it may collate a vast fan base as including different artist/bands will grasp a diverse audience alongside it.

17.) How many pages would you expect in a magazine?
This question will give me an overall average on the amount of pages to use within my indie magazine. this will also indicate whether my magazine should be published; as having more than 100+ pages will indicate that this is a quality magazine.

Overall, I chose these questions for my target audience to answer, because I believe these questions will help me with the choices I pick with my music magazine. This will further develop my magazine, as I will receive a variety of feedback which will guide me into making a great magazine. As a result this feedback will make be able to help me cooperate and make a magazine that they would be willing to buy. 

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Tuesday, 1 November 2016